Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Real Life of Henrietta Lacks


One of the very first assignments that I had to do for my English 1101 class with Dr. Harkey. We had to discuss the differences between the website and the actual book of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.

 I think that the website gives a completely different impact than the book because the website includes the multimodal aspects of images, videos, and other links. The website gives insight and greater background information into the creation of the book and the more history behind Henrietta Lacks and her family.

The book, however, gives Henrietta Lacks' life in a story form. The words in the book give the reader a sense of pathos as they learn more about Henrietta Lacks and her life. The book also contains multimodal aspects because in the middle of the book there are pictures and images of Henrietta Lacks and her family.

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