Sunday, December 2, 2012

Real Talk Transcript/Video

Leo Son, Michael Son
English 1101 P2
8 October 2012
Revised Verbatim Transcript
Leo: Hey, how are you doing?
Michael: Hey Good, what about you? 
Leo: Good, I am doing this English assignment, and I don’t know what the hell is going on.
Michael: Dude, I took that class last semester. I can help. What’s the topic?
Leo: Alright, so the topic that we have is: In Jackson's article it says, "we are adapting to a new world, but in doing so, are we redefining 'smart' to mostly mean twitch speed, multitasking, and bullet points?" Jackson brings up an interesting point that as the Earth is changing so is our view of what we believe is going to be successful and what will survive in the constantly changing world. Is the standards and definition of being successful and smart changing as the world is changing? Are the standards being raised or are they being changed completely?…And so you can start off with technology and media.
Michael: Yeah
Leo: and how it is just really changing and just how the new generation is doing things.
Michael: Right. Such as, you know, Google instant search, which people basically can search any information they want instantly. 
Leo: Yeah.
Michael: and Youtube videos. Both of them are very instant and people can attain information very fast. According to a few websites, statistics show that there are over 66% of adults online in America who are connected to media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many more.
Leo: Yea I agree. There are always people constantly updating information on the internet about the society, personal issues, politics, sport, etc.
Michael: Also Facebook has 845 million active users, which portrays our society’s social dependency. There’s also Twitter that has 127 million active users. Basically, there’s just so many different social media platforms that redefines what is smart and the way we achieve information.
Leo: In order to keep up with the social trend, you have to join the bandwagon. For example, if you don’t have Facebook, you’re out of the loop and may have less social awareness.
Michael: However, there are also many negative aspects of the online media platforms, because the range of knowledge retained from the social media is very limited. And I feel like people have lost the desire to know and seek more deeply into the issues that society faces in this modern world compared to how people have obtained information in the past.
Leo: [nods head] Also, TV brings in advertisement. On average, advertisement lasts for about thirty seconds. In order to persuade and attract the consumer, advertisements briefly portray their product and/or purpose through the conventions of ethos, logos, and pathos; the marketing world knows exactly how to appeal to the consumers to catch their attention in an instant.
Michael: Yeah,  It’s quick and efficient. The marketing and advertising world has definitely grown in this generation. Do you think that these advertisements prove that this modern world portrays a new definition of success?
Leo: Yes, I think it really proves that people have to be brief and explain things to the point in order to gain success and to survive in this world. Moreover, gaining information at twitch speed and multitasking have become vital skills in our lives; I believe that the standards in this modern world are not only being raised, but also changing to fit into the modern world.
Michael: This modern world is really all about technology. It is constantly changing and redefining what is smart, what is successful, and what is necessary.
Together: What do you think?

Just a visual form of the transcript that we created for our Real Talk Video Discussion. Seeing the transcript and hearing it from the video provide different impacts to the aspect of the discussion. The transcript seems very formal and organized, but the when hearing it in the video, the viewer might realize that the discussion is in the form of a daily conversation.

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