Sunday, December 2, 2012

Real Talk

"In Jackson's article it says, "we are adapting to a new world, but in doing so, are we redefining 'smart' to mostly mean twitch speed, multitasking, and bullet points?" Jackson brings up an interesting point that as the Earth is changing so is our view of what we believe is going to be successful and what will survive in the constantly changing world. Is the standards and definition of being successful and smart changing as the world is changing? Are the standards being raised or are they being changed completely?"

This is the topic that Leo and I discussed and did our Real Talk Video Assignment. We both, for the most part, agreed that in this new modern world we are redefining 'smart' to mostly mean twitch speed, multitasking, and bullet points. We also believe that in order to be successful and to survive in most of the jobs in this world, people have to adapt to the constantly changing world and must complete certain tasks and errands quickly and efficiently to keep up with the competition and definition of a successful worker; the definition is changing as the world and its technology improves and raises the standards of how fast and efficiently work can be accomplished.

We talked about the speedy aspect of advertisements, cellphones, and the world wide web. The approximately thirty second advertisements of commercials quickly explain the product and its purpose in a way that catches the viewer's attention and persuades them into buying certain products. The quick aspect of it allows the people in this world to keep their attention, yet efficiently accomplishes the company's goal to sell their products.

Cellphones have completely changed how this modern world operates because the quick and instant communication that it provides allows information to travel, which speeds up production and efficiency within companies and any other organizations around the world. Also, the cellphone allows for different communities and countries to interact at an instant.

The Internet has been one of the most world changing creations that has also completely changed how the whole world functions. Similarly to the cellphone, the Internet has many instant search engines and social media sites allow communication and information to be spread in an instant all around the world.

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